Affixing a shelf to the wall is a relatively simple task for the experienced DIYer. The right tools for the job are essential. A spirit-level to ensure the shelf is straight, measuring tape, the correct drill bit, masonry or wood, depending on the surface to which the shelf is to be attached. Wood or plastic wall plugs, screws, screwdriver and a pencil.

Having decided where to fix the shelf, first place the metal shelf bracket against the wall and use the pencil to mark its position through one of its screw holes. Take the bracket away, use a piece of masking tape wrapped around the drill bit at the length of the screw.

Use the chuck screw to make certain you have tightened the bit firmly, then, holding the drill straight, drill into the wall, pushing gently letting the drill do the work. Once you have reached the marking tape on the drill bit, pull the drill out. Push the wall plug into the hole, making sure it is flush with the surface.

Place the bracket over the screw-hole, insert the first screw and screw it most of the way in. Use the spirit level to check the bracket is straight and mark the second screw-hole with the pencil. Swing the bracket to one side and drill the second hole. Push the bracket back, tighten the first screw, and then screw the first bracket into place. Place the spirit level atop the shelf to place the second bracket and fix it into place.