Those who have work benches or work tables might want to consider building items of furniture for their children’s bedrooms that are unusual, fun and practical as well.

Bunk beds in the shape of a camper van for example. The design will take up more room than a conventional set of bunk beds. However, although the finished unit will be about 18 inches longer than usual, it will have a large tray on the top deck which will hold a light, a selection of books and soft toys. The bottom deck will hold a writing desk and chair where homework could be done as well as any other tasks; artwork for example, with the budding master artist not making as much mess on the bedroom carpet. Shelves can be fixed to the wall under the bed too for extra storage.

If you want to screw the camper to the wall, it is recommended that you take about ten minutes to decide which way around the camper van should face. You need to make sure that plenty of natural light falls on the surface of the desk. When you have worked this out, it will then be possible to decide in which side to fit the door in order for it to face out into the room.

A fun alternative idea for an only child’s bedroom would be a double decker bus shaped bed. In this case, the bed would go on the top deck. On the bottom deck would be a desk in the driver’s cab and behind that room for toys, school equipment and so forth. Storage solutions for the home which are stylish and practical.