Advances in communications and the availability of the Internet means that more and more people are working from home these days. Although most people may consider working from home a treat, there are some drawbacks to having a workspace in a residence. One of the biggest challenges is being able to keep work and home separate. Many home workers find it hard to avoid the distractions in their home, and so are not as productive as they could be. It is also easy to let work spill over into domestic life, thus turning the family home into an office boardroom. Organisation is the key to maintaining a barrier between work and home, and the best way to maintain organisation is by using effective storage solutions.

The most common items which nearly all home businesses will need to store are files, so a methodical way of storing documents is paramount. Shelves are an obvious and practical solution, as they are affordable and can be installed to accommodate files of all sizes.

Hardwearing metal shelves can also be a good long-term solution, as they can cope with the extra weight created by accumulated files. Even the smallest spaces can be put to good use with the wealth of affordable storage products now available on the Internet. Getting organised with efficient storage will help keep work and home life separate. This in turn will hopefully see productivity remain constant, and also stop a happy home from turning into one big domestic office.