Although many people just view lounge, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom doors as objects to keep in the warmth and provide privacy when needed. The enterprising person sees a way of storing things away. In the kitchen, for example, the under the sink cupboard door can be converted into a rubbish bin by the simple addition of a frame from which to hang a carrier bag. Not only giving a little extra floor space in the kitchen but also a way of recycling your shopping bags. Shelving can be affixed to the wall for extra storage of crockery or spices.

The storage of seasonal items is always a nightmare, gloves, wool caps, scarves, mittens which are not needed during the warmer weather which occasionally occurs in Britain, are sometimes thrown into drawers never to be seen again.

A better idea would be to hang a shoe or sock storage rack from the back of the spare bedroom or cellar door and store them away there, ready to be used again in the cold weather.

Coat racks that can be hung from the door are also available as are single coat hooks. These hooks may also be used as a place to suspend a multiple clothes hanger. These particular hangers are ideal for the storage of ties, trousers or sports gear.

A shoe rack hung on the inside of the bathroom door may also be utilised as a perfect place to store extra toilet rolls, bathroom cleaning items, spare face flannels and shower gel or bath salts. In the kitchen a similar storage could be used for kitchen cleaning items.