If you have children you’ll be well aware that their toys, books and comics can take over the house, especially when they have finished playing with them. How many times have you walked into the living room and seen the carpet hidden beneath what appears to be hundreds of toys and other playthings, and began the task of putting them away?

If you don’t have much space in the house this can present a problem, but thanks to some great shelving and racking and storage ideas you can make this much easier. On the other hand if you have a spare room available, then why not think about turning it into a playroom for the kids? This will be their own space, and with a bit of luck they will realise that they have to keep it tidy.

Fitting shelving and storage in the kids room will encourage them to play there, rather than taking over the whole house with their toys, and when you look at the great range of shelving and storage trunks available today there is sure to be something which will be perfect for your home.

Shelving of this type is absolutely essential if you are working from home as a child minder where you may have four or more children in your home every day. The children in your charge will need something to keep them busy during the eight hours or more they are with you, so you will have to make sure that you have the right shelving to accommodate all the toys, books and DVDs.