Many people now store their video and music collections on disks, either DVD or CD. Some will have downloaded them from the Internet, legally of course, and burnt them to disc so they have a hard copy in case their computer breaks, but now have the problem of storage. If you are an avid collector; your selection of music and video soon begins to take over the room unless you find an effective and space-saving method of storage for them.

Carousel storage racks that have a relatively small footprint with optimal storage of disks are always popular. Racks that fit against the wall on top of your computer desk are also a good way of keeping your collection of downloaded music or video organised and tidy. Sometimes, if you have bought your recordable DVDs in a spindle and stored the recorded videos in a canvas container, the empty spindle can be reused to store your computer media. If you have, for example, a sheet of plastic that would otherwise be thrown out, you could make separators out of it, to keep the disks from being scratched so easily.

As far as video is concerned, a DVD recorder with an installed hard drive will store quite a few hours of films and shows. Although it is a good way of storing the media, these devices can be quite expensive. The more storage time on the hard disk then the more costly it will be. Music can be stored on the PC’s hard drive but has the disadvantage that it takes up room and begins to slow your computer down. It is also useful to have a backup in case your computer malfunctions and all the data is lost so having adequate CD & DVD storage is a must.