Archive for the ‘storage solutions’ Category



All your Shelving Needs Are Here

If you are looking for shelving ideas for the home, then you are in the right place. It doesn’t matter which room you are thinking of fitting shelves in, there is something here for every location, including the garage and shed so it’s just a case of you deciding what you need, placing your order and that’s it, the shelving units will be dispatched to your address quickly and securely.

If you have a potting shed in the garden, why not think about replacing that old shelving with new units which will make your work much easier because you will be able to see clearly all the tools and other bits and pieces you need for the garden.

The same applies if you are running a business and you need to replace the shelves in your warehouse or retail outlet. There is a wide range of shelving solutions to suit just about every need, from heavy duty shelves and racks which are able to take the strain of heavy equipment which has to be stored, right down to lightweight shelves and racks on which you can store documents and books. Choosing the right units is important if you want the warehouse to run efficiently.

Your staff have to be able to easily access the items stored, so bear this in mind when you are making your choice. The key to an efficient warehouse is order, so if you start right at the beginning by installing easy to reach shelving and racking systems, you are heading in the right direction to making your business more efficient.



Storage Racks Keep your Garage Ordered

It’s that time of year when many of us decide we are going to give the garage a clear out. It’s a job we’ve been putting off for a long time, perhaps years, so the prospect of tidying it up is not a pleasant one. It’s a strange thing isn’t it, the way we use our garages in the UK.

We leave a car worth thousands of pounds on the driveway, and fill up the place where it is supposed to be parked with all those bits and pieces which we know we aren’t going to use again but are loathe to throw away. If this sounds familiar we can’t help you with the clearing up job, but when it comes to putting the place in order once you have got rid of the junk you don‘t need – allowing you to actually get in and out of the garage without tripping over boxes and electrical cables – then you are in the right place to find the best racking and storage solutions for the garage and other rooms in your home.

The type of storage racks and garage racking you will need will depend on what you have to be packed away. If you have a lot of gardening equipment and other heavy tools, then robust metal racking is the best choice.

On the other hand, if you are just looking to store boxes full of documents and other light materials, you may be able to use lighter storage racks made from a range of durable plastic materials. We stock a vast range of heavy duty shelves which could be ideal for this.



How Storage Racks Can Improve Your Home

There’s no denying that one of the biggest requests from home owners these days is more storage. We seem to have less and less space to put things, and that can result in a home that starts to look untidy, unkempt and in total chaos, often through no fault of our own. That’s why investing in the necessary storage and racking can be a great way to improve your home, giving you that valuable extra space that’s so desirable.

The right racking can be used to store anything and everything from books and keepsakes to files and accounts. They can make home offices tidier, living rooms cleaner and garages much more organised, even offering the option of entire new rooms being created. A garage can be turned into a workroom and a spare room that was once used for junk can be the next home office – all with a few storage racks to help keep things tidy and organised.

There are so many types to choose from that there really are racks to suit any purpose necessary. You’ll be able to find heavy duty shelving options for rooms that need durability, or more aesthetically pleasing versions for living rooms and bedrooms. Everything can be stored away neatly and efficiently while still offering easy access to things as and when required – the perfect solution for people that don’t like to throw things away.

So, anyone that wants to improve their home should definitely consider the addition of a storage rack or two. The right ones can provide valuable extra space for any room in the house, giving a home that’s calm, tidy and under control.



Making Space in the Garage

Many peoples’ garages can soon become the Aladdin’s Cave area of their home, as more and more items get stored there just because there is nowhere else to put them. Inevitably, this can soon turn a once designated utility/work space into nothing more than a large outdoor cupboard. However, garages often have higher ceilings than indoor rooms, and the biggest mistake that people make is not using that extra space to their advantage.

One way to improve how items are stored in a high ceilinged garage is to install shelves, as they can be put up high and keep items off the floor. The type of shelving needed will depend largely on how often the garage is used and what it is normally used for. If garages are used for workshop duties on a daily basis, then open shelves are a good option as they make it easy to find items which are frequently needed. Closed shelving or cabinets are tidier in appearance, but can be more constrictive.

These are better suited to garages which are used more as utility rooms, as it may sometimes be necessary to search around before finding the desired item (although sticking a label on the door listing the contents inside can help). When it comes to storing larger objects, metal shelving is often the most suitable solution. Items such as power tools, car parts, and gardening equipment can be heavy, so a metal shelf will provide the strength necessary to guarantee everything remains safe.



Keeping boxes safe from damp

The British climate isn’t such a bad one really. We have beautiful crisp spring mornings when the grass is new and green and the daffodils are in full bloom everywhere you look and cool misty autumn evenings when the leaves are piled high in a thousand different shades of yellow, brown and red. In between we’ve got warm (but not too warm) sunny summer days perfect for getting outside and enjoying ourselves. Even our winters aren’t too cold, with just enough snow to add a touch of excitement.

However, there is one downside to the British climate – the damp. It rains, it rains, it rains and just for good measure it rains some more. In most places humidity stays high throughout the winter and we’re served a steady diet of showers, drizzle, downpours, sleet, hail, and fog. More or less any way water can come out of the sky, we get it.

This constant dampness can cause problems when you’re putting things into long term storage or even just confining your summer clothes to the garage or basement shelving unit for a few months over the chilly season. Because nothing really dries out without being heated or properly aired, once something has gotten damp it stays damp.

You can avoid problems with damp and associated issues like mold and warping by arranging your storage containers carefully. First, don’t keep vulnerable items like papers and books in cardboard boxes. Use plastic, which keeps the damp out, and make sure everything going into the boxes is perfectly dry. If most of your storage is in cardboard boxes, put them up off the floor on a shelving unit- keeping boxes off the ground will go a long way towards stopping the contents from getting damp.



Storage solutions for keeping items fresh

Our parents and grandparents always used to keep clothes and bedding (and almost anything else that went into long term storage) put away in boxes and on shelves all folded up with special chemical mothballs to keep pesky insects at bay. The expression ‘mothballed’ comes from this practice of carefully racking something away and not expecting to want it again for a long time. The mothballs did keep the moths away, but there was a downside. They made everything smell quite sharply and the balls themselves were toxic. That’s one reason you don’t see them around much any more.

Most moths are completely blameless and have no interest in eating fabrics at all. It’s only a couple of species out of hundreds that you need to watch out for, so there’s no need to worry if you see moths flitting around your outdoor lighting or even if they get into the garage that holds your storage units. The bothersome ones are usually very small, less than half an inch in length and about as slim as a pencil lead. Even then, there are many harmless species that fit the description.

Sometimes moths can be a problem but there is no usually need to resort to chemical means to keep these critters out of your belongings. Simply racking your goods in plastic boxes or wrapped in plastic bags will keep them safe from moths. Storage in plastic boxes or bags also keeps things clean and a little more tidy.



Labelling storage racks

If you’ve got a lot of stuff stashed away in storage racking and shelving units you’re already halfway to being able to find everything you need quickly and easily. Piles of cardboard boxes are a nightmare to search through if you’re not sure which box the item you’re after is in. Anyone who has spent a long day moving house and then gone to the new kitchen for a well-earned cup of tea only to realise that the mugs could be at the bottom of any one of a dozen boxes will agree with that wholeheartedly.

Having an organisational system for your shelving space goes one step further than simply making things much tidier and more accessible. It can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be. If you’ve got a lot of things in storage, you might want to keep fairly detailed records of what was put where. If not, just having an idea where you put the DIY tools and where you put the recipe books could be enough.

Either way, it’s good practice to label boxes and shelving units. It won’t take very long if you do it when you store the items in the first place and it could save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run. For most of us, just labelling boxes or individual storage space spaces ‘Fishing Gear’ or ‘Paints and Paint Brushes’ is a very good idea. It’ll help you find things and also make it easier for other people to put stuff back in the right places.



Update a Room Instantly

When planning the decoration of a room it is more than likely that the first things you consider will be the colour, the paint and the furnishings. Shelving is something that very rarely crosses the mind within the first stages of decoration. However, the right storage in a room can make it much easier to keep tidy and looking like new.

Shelves used in the correct way can also become a design statement as opposed to just a necessity. There are now many types of design out there, from traditional wood to curved edge glass – the options are endless. Whether you want to use them simply to create a bookcase or more creatively to show off pictures and ornaments, the right shelves can quite simply make a room.

Shelving units are also extremely useful for creating extra space, especially if you’re living in rented accommodation and therefore can’t go around knocking holes in the wall. Depending on the type of items you want to store, there are wooden units for more day to day domestic items, or for the garage there are more heavy duty metal units to suit your needs.

Despite not being the most exciting home furnishings, getting the right unit can create invaluable storage as well as completely changing the style of the room. Whether it is old fashioned wood styles, or a more modern day metal piece you’re looking for, they definitely shouldn’t be the last on the list when it comes to redecorating your home.



Organise your storage area

We all have an area that we use to place all of those items that do not have a home. This could be in a drawer, a cupboard, in a spare room or on a shelf. If your storage area becomes cluttered it can be hard to locate what you are looking for, so you need to keep things organised.

If you have your storage area in a cupboard then you could place portable racking in it, so that the cupboard can hold a larger quantity of items. If you do not have any floor space you could attach shelves to the walls of the cupboard, so that your items can be placed onto the shelves.

You could have a large quantity of clutter, and this could be kept safe in your shed or garage. However, you may have large items already in there, so you need have a storage system in place to enable you to easily gain access to all items without having to move things to get to them. This is where there are storage racks that can be attached to the wall of the garage and it houses large items such as bikes and garden equipment as they can be attached to hooks on the storage rack and hung up.

You could have a lot of small items that need to be stored and to make sure that you do not lose any you could put them into plastic storage boxes. The boxes come with lids and come in a selection of different colours.



Shelves, racking and shops

Racking and shelving are commonly the best method for organising and storing goods either for easy access or to simply maximise the available space. Occasionally, a racking solution that performs a specific function does not actually make the optimum use of space from a maximum storage capacity but it may make item or product selection simpler. Shops probably represent the most widespread examples of racking and shelving that balances the need to maximise space with the need to make products easily identifiable and accessible.
A trip to just one shop will reveal a surprising array of storage solutions from straightforward shelving of many different sizes to display racks for hanging packs of batteries and the typical assorted knick knacks that you never realise you can’t live without until you stop to look at them. Should you venture behind the scenes in the same shop, you will inevitably discover further racking and shelving solutions that are aimed at higher volume and heavier duty storage where the balance between volume and accessibility of storage shifts in favour of maximising volume.

What this demonstrates is the need for many different types of shelving and racking in one setting. Whilst shops are probably more dependent on storage racking than some other environments, it does demonstrate how there is no one simple one size fits all solution to shelving and racking. When buying racking, it helps to use a supplier that can provide a product selection that covers many of these different racking solutions. Commonly online sellers can conveniently demonstrate broad ranges.