
Storage can make order out of chaos

If you have a room that is too small for its purpose, you may find it quickly descends into chaos. It may have items strewn around it or clothes forming a heap on the floor. This might be the case if you have children who share a bedroom. As they get older and accrue more possessions, they will start fighting for space.

Or, you might have an office in your home or in a commercial property, which is simply not big enough to accommodate all that it needs to. While it may be a nice thought to move to somewhere bigger, this is not always an option, particularly with many individuals struggling financially in the aftermath of the recession. However, you needn’t despair. There are cheaper and more immediate solutions you can make the most of.

If you invest in good storage, you can reduce the level of chaos and make your space look bigger than they are. Storage is available in a range of types, styles and sizes. For example, you could try shelves or racks. By choosing your shelves and other such products wisely, you can ensure that you make optimum use of the square footage available to you. Shelving units can be incredibly useful, without taking up too much space.

As well as allowing you to be more organised, this will also enhance the aesthetic appeal of your rooms. And sourcing products like this has never been easier. In many cases, you can simply go online to make your selection. The items will then be delivered to you for optimum convenience.



Alternative Uses For Shelving Units

Years ago it may have seemed a bookcase was the only use for shelves. There tended to be little choice of colour, finish and size, and therefore the room could have ended up being designed around the storage rather than the other way round.

Modern day storage solutions are a different kettle of fish (although not literally, unless you opt for modern art shelving). From circular to straight, matt black to wooden, and tall to wide, the options when choosing a shelving unit are endless. This means they have become much more versatile, and can now be used for many more things than just storing books.

In the home, shelves can be used to display ornaments, photos or even shoes and handbags if you happen to have a walk in wardrobe. They can be put up differently to create a design on the wall and if used creatively can actually become the centrepiece of a room. No longer an ugly necessity, they can now bring character and charm to your home.

Within a work environment, there are many different needs for storage. From keeping paperwork organised in the office to storing stock in a warehouse, there is always a need for extra space. Many units now also come in a heavy duty metal shelving finish meaning they withstand much bigger weights therefore increasing the amount that can be kept on them.

The internet has resulted in many more products being available across the entire spectrum, and storage solutions have definitely moved on. Whether it’s a decorative piece for your lounge or massive pieces for a warehouse, a shelf or two could make all the difference.



Why Racking is Beneficial to Businesses

However big your business is, there is always a need for storage. Whether it’s row upon row of racking for the warehouse, a shelf for the office or a locker for valuables, extra storage is invaluable in the workplace. Despite that, it is often not the first thing that springs to mind when opening a new store, and ill-thought decisions will leave businesses with the wrong type or not having enough storage for their needs.

Whether it’s stock or paperwork that needs organising, the right shelving and storage can help any business run smoothly. Stock needs to be easily accessible and storing it off the floor will lessen the chance of things getting damaged, protecting those valuable profits. Many companies choose metal racking as it tends to be more durable and is able to withstand heavier weights. Make sure the person who puts it together knows what they’re doing though as unless they are assembled correctly, you may well be loosing more than just profits if staff become injured.

Storing paperwork correctly is also very important, and shelving can be a great place to begin. Whether you want to file it alphabetically, or just want a simple storage solution for items that will be sorted later, keeping it all in the same place can save lots of time and stress when it comes to finding that receipt from three years ago.

So whatever your business sells, investing in the correct storage for your needs will help make it a great success, and nobody can afford to turn that down.



Update a Room Instantly

When planning the decoration of a room it is more than likely that the first things you consider will be the colour, the paint and the furnishings. Shelving is something that very rarely crosses the mind within the first stages of decoration. However, the right storage in a room can make it much easier to keep tidy and looking like new.

Shelves used in the correct way can also become a design statement as opposed to just a necessity. There are now many types of design out there, from traditional wood to curved edge glass – the options are endless. Whether you want to use them simply to create a bookcase or more creatively to show off pictures and ornaments, the right shelves can quite simply make a room.

Shelving units are also extremely useful for creating extra space, especially if you’re living in rented accommodation and therefore can’t go around knocking holes in the wall. Depending on the type of items you want to store, there are wooden units for more day to day domestic items, or for the garage there are more heavy duty metal units to suit your needs.

Despite not being the most exciting home furnishings, getting the right unit can create invaluable storage as well as completely changing the style of the room. Whether it is old fashioned wood styles, or a more modern day metal piece you’re looking for, they definitely shouldn’t be the last on the list when it comes to redecorating your home.



Organise your storage area

We all have an area that we use to place all of those items that do not have a home. This could be in a drawer, a cupboard, in a spare room or on a shelf. If your storage area becomes cluttered it can be hard to locate what you are looking for, so you need to keep things organised.

If you have your storage area in a cupboard then you could place portable racking in it, so that the cupboard can hold a larger quantity of items. If you do not have any floor space you could attach shelves to the walls of the cupboard, so that your items can be placed onto the shelves.

You could have a large quantity of clutter, and this could be kept safe in your shed or garage. However, you may have large items already in there, so you need have a storage system in place to enable you to easily gain access to all items without having to move things to get to them. This is where there are storage racks that can be attached to the wall of the garage and it houses large items such as bikes and garden equipment as they can be attached to hooks on the storage rack and hung up.

You could have a lot of small items that need to be stored and to make sure that you do not lose any you could put them into plastic storage boxes. The boxes come with lids and come in a selection of different colours.



Storage racks for your clothing

We all have a wide range of clothing for all weather conditions, be it spring, summer, autumn or winter. As the seasons change so do our wardrobe requirements. You could also have clothes that you may not wear very often, but you do not want to throw them away as you may still have a use for them.

Unfortunately, not all wardrobes are big enough to hold all of our clothes so you need to find another storage solution. There are a few options available; if you have limited space in the home then there are plastic storage boxes to store the clothes you do not need or wear very often. The storage boxes can then be either stored under your bed or put into the loft, and you can rotate your clothes to suit the season. If you are storing the plastic storage boxes in the loft, there are lids available so that the clothes are protected and do not get dirty or damaged.

If you are fortunate enough to have a spare room, then you can buy storage racks to install there. The storage racks have shelves, which makes it easy to store any storage boxes and access them whenever you need to. Alternatively, you may opt for storage racks with garment rails. Hanging up your clothes means that your clothes are easily accessible, and you usually do not need to iron them more than once as they have not been folded up. There are some storage racks that have garment rails and shelves on, enabling you to tidy away shoes. Clothing storage ideas can be simple or elaborate.



Storage for the Accounts Department

The accounts department is one of the busiest departments in the workplace. They have a large quantity of paperwork that has to be processed and entered onto their accounts system. Once the documents have been entered onto the system they are usually allocated a reference number, this is how the document is identified and it can then be filed away.

To make sure that the documents are easy to locate if they are needed, you have to store them in a document storage system. There are many different storage systems available, it really depends on the quantity of documents that you have to store.

Storage racks can be used for the documents, and there are supports that can be purchased and placed onto the shelves of the storage racks to hold the files in place.

You may have confidential documents in the accounts department such as banking details, payroll or personnel files. These need to be stored securely; this is where storage cabinets can be used as they feature a lock to restrict access. These cabinets have shelves inside and they can be adjusted to suit the documents you have to store.

All document storage systems need to be clearly labelled so that all employees in the accounts department can locate the document they need promptly. If you run out of space in the office you could also create an archive area in another part of the building, for those documents you need to store by law.



Choose from a broad range

In order to purchase the correct storage and racking solutions for your home or business you will usually want to compare different suppliers in order to ensure that you can find a suitable solution for your needs. If extending an existing arrangement, you will want to ensure that you receive the appropriate level of service at the right price. The balance between service and price will not be the same for every customer though so cheapest isn’t necessarily best.

Buying online, or at least viewing a retailers online catalogue will typically provide far greater levels of information that a visit to a retailer operating out of a store. Shelving, racking and storage cabinets take up so much space that physical displays are rarely going to be extensive enough to help form an accurate opinion of what is the very best solution for your needs. With this in mind, it pays to do your homework online before deciding to visit a supplier.

Online catalogues may open your mind to a whole world of storage solutions that could offer very real benefits to your company. Unless you are an expert in shelving and racking, it is highly likely that other people will have devised storage solutions that you yourself may not be aware of, despite their suitability for your needs.

You need to identify a supplier that is able to assist you in finding readymade solutions for your needs and also one with the expert knowledge to modify a standard arrangement to meet your unique requirements.



From shop to warehouse

Racking and shelving plays a part in almost everybody’s lives be it directly or indirectly. Anybody whose life is untouched by shelving is most likely living either a monastic or a back to basics existence. The benefits of shelving are many but fundamentally it enables spaces to be used effectively and possessions or stock items to be stored in a manner that enables easy access.
Shelving is used in many different settings such as libraries which provide easy access to a fairly regularly sized product or in a warehouse environment where a huge variety of differently sized and shaped products may be stored under one roof. Some shelving and racking systems may rely largely on visual cues to enable access to the correct products such as in a supermarket whilst many modern warehouses will position products in what may appear a completely random order. A modern warehouse can actually handle a totally random pattern of products as products are identified by shelf references rather than the seemingly identical cardboard boxes being stored in location after location. In reality, the most modern warehouse will be meticulously planned to minimise picking times and to aid computer controlled picking routes for either manual picking or robot picking.
For these types of processes to work, shelving must be available in a range of different styles and sizes to facilitate cost effective storage and picking solutions. When looking to buy racking or shelving, online suppliers are frequently able to demonstrate the most comprehensive selection of solutions.



Shelves, racking and shops

Racking and shelving are commonly the best method for organising and storing goods either for easy access or to simply maximise the available space. Occasionally, a racking solution that performs a specific function does not actually make the optimum use of space from a maximum storage capacity but it may make item or product selection simpler. Shops probably represent the most widespread examples of racking and shelving that balances the need to maximise space with the need to make products easily identifiable and accessible.
A trip to just one shop will reveal a surprising array of storage solutions from straightforward shelving of many different sizes to display racks for hanging packs of batteries and the typical assorted knick knacks that you never realise you can’t live without until you stop to look at them. Should you venture behind the scenes in the same shop, you will inevitably discover further racking and shelving solutions that are aimed at higher volume and heavier duty storage where the balance between volume and accessibility of storage shifts in favour of maximising volume.

What this demonstrates is the need for many different types of shelving and racking in one setting. Whilst shops are probably more dependent on storage racking than some other environments, it does demonstrate how there is no one simple one size fits all solution to shelving and racking. When buying racking, it helps to use a supplier that can provide a product selection that covers many of these different racking solutions. Commonly online sellers can conveniently demonstrate broad ranges.