Archive for the ‘Home Storage’ Category



Kids Room Shelving Solutions

If you have children you’ll be well aware that their toys, books and comics can take over the house, especially when they have finished playing with them. How many times have you walked into the living room and seen the carpet hidden beneath what appears to be hundreds of toys and other playthings, and began the task of putting them away?

If you don’t have much space in the house this can present a problem, but thanks to some great shelving and racking and storage ideas you can make this much easier. On the other hand if you have a spare room available, then why not think about turning it into a playroom for the kids? This will be their own space, and with a bit of luck they will realise that they have to keep it tidy.

Fitting shelving and storage in the kids room will encourage them to play there, rather than taking over the whole house with their toys, and when you look at the great range of shelving and storage trunks available today there is sure to be something which will be perfect for your home.

Shelving of this type is absolutely essential if you are working from home as a child minder where you may have four or more children in your home every day. The children in your charge will need something to keep them busy during the eight hours or more they are with you, so you will have to make sure that you have the right shelving to accommodate all the toys, books and DVDs.



Conservatory racking

Conservatory shelving and racking has to fit quite a specific niche. Not only is it to be used in a fairly tough environment that may be warm and damp all year round, it also has to do a very particular job. An orchid has a very different set of needs to a stack of books or a box of old clothes. Keeping your plants on the right storage racks will help them grow and stay healthy.

Dealing with the first criteria to begin with, storage racks used in a warm, damp conservatory should be durable. Warm, slightly damp spaces are ideal for mould and mildew and both of these can be serious problems in a greenhouse or conservatory. Untreated chipboard and wooden racks should be avoided because they are vulnerable and may not last long. Either choose metal racks or sealed and painted solid wood. Chrome coated metal is an ideal, rustproof and easy to clean solution.

Storage racking for plants must also be strong enough to support your collection even when all the pots have just been watered. This can double the weight, so be generous when estimating the necessary strength of each shelf.

Open grill-style racking will allow water to drain though the pots and make sure any overspill doesn’t hang around in puddles like it would on a solid surface. It will also let more sunlight reach the plants on the middle shelves and provide better ventilation to reduce pest build up. Place materials like potting mix and compost bags on the lowest shelf, and make sure the racks are not top heavy so stability is maintained.



The ideal gift for people with everything

We all know someone who is hard to buy for. It can be tricky to find the ideal birthday or Christmas gift for the person who has everything, but the problem this kind of person has is not a lack of a particular item, but how to organise and store all the gadgets they do have. When you have everything you could possibly need it can be quite hard to find the thing you actually want.

Shelves may sound boring but they don’t have to be. A good solution can be attractive as well as functional and it can make a huge difference not only to someone’s ability to find what they need quickly and without fuss, and to the look and feel of the room. There is nothing like a huge pile of cardboard boxes to make a space seem cramped and unattractive.

Storage doesn’t have to mean a plastic tub or plain book shelves. These days there are a huge range of innovative products designed to make the best use of any space, from a flat wall to a corner, underneath a staircase or on top of a wardrobe. Some are built along classic lines with varnished or raw wood, some are brightly coloured and made with chrome and plastic. Whatever your loved one’s style is, there will be shelving and racking to match.

For extra effect try and install the gift before giving it. It’s hard to make a flat-pack look impressive even with the biggest bow and brightest wrapping paper. The recipient may not be too excited straight away but they’ll soon realise that a good storage system was the best gift they could have hoped for.



Shelves for Any Room in the House

Many of us long for extra space in our homes. Storage is at a premium and without the right solutions in place there’s simply no hope for having a home that’s tidy and organised, and many people are reduced to having to get rid of items or put things in storage. But, with the right shelves this needn’t be necessary, and there are plenty of options for any room in the house to perfectly suit all needs.

For the living room there are a number of possibilities. Taller free-standing options can be a great way to store any number of books, pictures and keepsakes, and likewise smaller bookcases could be just as beneficial. Wall-mounted options with brackets are always popular, and those with invisible brackets are growing in popularity as a way to offer a sleek, minimal look. These are often seen in bedrooms as well, but for outside spaces something more heavy duty could be required.

Durable options, often made of steel or similar materials, are often seen in garages, sheds and workrooms. These forms of shelving racks are perfect for rooms of this nature thanks to their tough nature, ensuring longevity and that everything is properly secured. With tools and related equipment being incredibly heavy they’ll call for something a bit tougher, and that’s why heavy duty racks are often preferred.

As you can see, there really are shelves for any room in the house. You can get attractive and simple options for regular use as well as options that are purely practical, allowing you to get that valuable extra space without having to throw anything out.



Working From Home?

Advances in communications and the availability of the Internet means that more and more people are working from home these days. Although most people may consider working from home a treat, there are some drawbacks to having a workspace in a residence. One of the biggest challenges is being able to keep work and home separate. Many home workers find it hard to avoid the distractions in their home, and so are not as productive as they could be. It is also easy to let work spill over into domestic life, thus turning the family home into an office boardroom. Organisation is the key to maintaining a barrier between work and home, and the best way to maintain organisation is by using effective storage solutions.

The most common items which nearly all home businesses will need to store are files, so a methodical way of storing documents is paramount. Shelves are an obvious and practical solution, as they are affordable and can be installed to accommodate files of all sizes.

Hardwearing metal shelves can also be a good long-term solution, as they can cope with the extra weight created by accumulated files. Even the smallest spaces can be put to good use with the wealth of affordable storage products now available on the Internet. Getting organised with efficient storage will help keep work and home life separate. This in turn will hopefully see productivity remain constant, and also stop a happy home from turning into one big domestic office.



Storage to reduce clutter

Having a tidy home requires a significant amount of organisation. If you find that your home has fallen into disorder, you may find it difficult to cope. For example, it might be impossible to find those bank statements you are desperately seeking, those receipts you know you have kept somewhere or your insurance documents.

Meanwhile, larger items such as books, CDs and DVDs may always be escaping your grasp. However, it needn’t be like this. You can seize control of the situation by investing in suitable storage solutions. While buying products like this requires a little initial investment in terms of time and money, it is likely to save you both of these commodities in the future.

By getting shelves or other types of storage, you can dramatically cut the number of minutes or hours you spend rummaging for items in your home. And by being able to locate important paperwork, you may end up saving cash. For example, if an accident occurs, you will have the receipts and documents to hand to make a successful insurance claim. It is important that you buy shelves, shelving units or other such products that suit your needs and fit conveniently into your property.

If they are in a good position, it is more likely that you will use them effectively. And the sooner you get your new means of storing things, the sooner you can relax and stop stressing about the clutter in your home. So what are you waiting for? Get ordering.



Storage can make order out of chaos

If you have a room that is too small for its purpose, you may find it quickly descends into chaos. It may have items strewn around it or clothes forming a heap on the floor. This might be the case if you have children who share a bedroom. As they get older and accrue more possessions, they will start fighting for space.

Or, you might have an office in your home or in a commercial property, which is simply not big enough to accommodate all that it needs to. While it may be a nice thought to move to somewhere bigger, this is not always an option, particularly with many individuals struggling financially in the aftermath of the recession. However, you needn’t despair. There are cheaper and more immediate solutions you can make the most of.

If you invest in good storage, you can reduce the level of chaos and make your space look bigger than they are. Storage is available in a range of types, styles and sizes. For example, you could try shelves or racks. By choosing your shelves and other such products wisely, you can ensure that you make optimum use of the square footage available to you. Shelving units can be incredibly useful, without taking up too much space.

As well as allowing you to be more organised, this will also enhance the aesthetic appeal of your rooms. And sourcing products like this has never been easier. In many cases, you can simply go online to make your selection. The items will then be delivered to you for optimum convenience.



Choose from a broad range

In order to purchase the correct storage and racking solutions for your home or business you will usually want to compare different suppliers in order to ensure that you can find a suitable solution for your needs. If extending an existing arrangement, you will want to ensure that you receive the appropriate level of service at the right price. The balance between service and price will not be the same for every customer though so cheapest isn’t necessarily best.

Buying online, or at least viewing a retailers online catalogue will typically provide far greater levels of information that a visit to a retailer operating out of a store. Shelving, racking and storage cabinets take up so much space that physical displays are rarely going to be extensive enough to help form an accurate opinion of what is the very best solution for your needs. With this in mind, it pays to do your homework online before deciding to visit a supplier.

Online catalogues may open your mind to a whole world of storage solutions that could offer very real benefits to your company. Unless you are an expert in shelving and racking, it is highly likely that other people will have devised storage solutions that you yourself may not be aware of, despite their suitability for your needs.

You need to identify a supplier that is able to assist you in finding readymade solutions for your needs and also one with the expert knowledge to modify a standard arrangement to meet your unique requirements.



From shop to warehouse

Racking and shelving plays a part in almost everybody’s lives be it directly or indirectly. Anybody whose life is untouched by shelving is most likely living either a monastic or a back to basics existence. The benefits of shelving are many but fundamentally it enables spaces to be used effectively and possessions or stock items to be stored in a manner that enables easy access.
Shelving is used in many different settings such as libraries which provide easy access to a fairly regularly sized product or in a warehouse environment where a huge variety of differently sized and shaped products may be stored under one roof. Some shelving and racking systems may rely largely on visual cues to enable access to the correct products such as in a supermarket whilst many modern warehouses will position products in what may appear a completely random order. A modern warehouse can actually handle a totally random pattern of products as products are identified by shelf references rather than the seemingly identical cardboard boxes being stored in location after location. In reality, the most modern warehouse will be meticulously planned to minimise picking times and to aid computer controlled picking routes for either manual picking or robot picking.
For these types of processes to work, shelving must be available in a range of different styles and sizes to facilitate cost effective storage and picking solutions. When looking to buy racking or shelving, online suppliers are frequently able to demonstrate the most comprehensive selection of solutions.



Not just cost

Buying shelving is not a difficult task; buying good shelving is also a fairly straightforward process but sometimes buying the best possible shelving for your needs requires access to a bit more information than any bricks and mortar retailer may be able to provide. Buying the best solution for shelving isn’t simply a case of buying the highest quality of manufacture. Obviously, you will have your own budgetary stipulations which may influence product selections but the emphasis here is not on comparing two different qualities of racking that fulfil the same purpose. The emphasis here is that there are many different types of racking and storage solutions that may afford you a storage solution that can provide real ease of use for your home or for the business consumer realise significant cost efficiencies.
A good example of an excellent storage solution is one such as a carousel in a corner cupboard. Corner cupboards typically provide a large space of which a significant proportion is effectively unreachable and therefore wasted. A carousel provides a method for putting goods into this dead space without the need for contorting yourself to reach them.
A further good example is the wall racking used in a workshop to store tools. It is undeniable that a tool box could store more tools in a smaller space than a wall rack but whilst tool boxes have their place in the workshop, a neatly arranged tool rack provides hands on accessibility to the right tool with no hunting. Online retailers may be able to present far more creative racking solutions than any physical retailer.