Archive for January, 2011



Different Types of Shelving

Shelving can be a very effective way of creating additional storage within a home. Before unleashing the power drill, however, it is worth taking some time to consider exactly where they should go and what they will be expected to hold. This will influence how strong they need to be and therefore determine the most suitable material to use, as well as the type of support. Thankfully, there are a few different options:


This is the standard option, familiar to DIY enthusiasts everywhere. Brackets are fixed to a wall and a shelf is then placed across them. Brackets are available in all shapes and sizes to ensure any type of shelf is well supported. Style options range from simple to elaborate, with colours and finishes to complement all decors.


This is a good option when dealing with alcoves as it benefits from added support and also utilises space which would otherwise be wasted. This is also a versatile option as the shelves can be installed at different heights, which means that the lowest shelf can also be arranged to leave space for any furniture underneath.


These manufactured systems provide strong shelving which is tidy and easy to adjust. To put them up, just fix the vertical rails to a wall and then slot in the brackets which support the shelves. The rails and brackets come in various sizes and are generally made of aluminium or steel. Although more expensive, this is the strongest and most versatile of the three options. Storage trunks can also be a good idea, being both convenient and practical.



Making Space in the Garage

Many peoples’ garages can soon become the Aladdin’s Cave area of their home, as more and more items get stored there just because there is nowhere else to put them. Inevitably, this can soon turn a once designated utility/work space into nothing more than a large outdoor cupboard. However, garages often have higher ceilings than indoor rooms, and the biggest mistake that people make is not using that extra space to their advantage.

One way to improve how items are stored in a high ceilinged garage is to install shelves, as they can be put up high and keep items off the floor. The type of shelving needed will depend largely on how often the garage is used and what it is normally used for. If garages are used for workshop duties on a daily basis, then open shelves are a good option as they make it easy to find items which are frequently needed. Closed shelving or cabinets are tidier in appearance, but can be more constrictive.

These are better suited to garages which are used more as utility rooms, as it may sometimes be necessary to search around before finding the desired item (although sticking a label on the door listing the contents inside can help). When it comes to storing larger objects, metal shelving is often the most suitable solution. Items such as power tools, car parts, and gardening equipment can be heavy, so a metal shelf will provide the strength necessary to guarantee everything remains safe.



Working From Home?

Advances in communications and the availability of the Internet means that more and more people are working from home these days. Although most people may consider working from home a treat, there are some drawbacks to having a workspace in a residence. One of the biggest challenges is being able to keep work and home separate. Many home workers find it hard to avoid the distractions in their home, and so are not as productive as they could be. It is also easy to let work spill over into domestic life, thus turning the family home into an office boardroom. Organisation is the key to maintaining a barrier between work and home, and the best way to maintain organisation is by using effective storage solutions.

The most common items which nearly all home businesses will need to store are files, so a methodical way of storing documents is paramount. Shelves are an obvious and practical solution, as they are affordable and can be installed to accommodate files of all sizes.

Hardwearing metal shelves can also be a good long-term solution, as they can cope with the extra weight created by accumulated files. Even the smallest spaces can be put to good use with the wealth of affordable storage products now available on the Internet. Getting organised with efficient storage will help keep work and home life separate. This in turn will hopefully see productivity remain constant, and also stop a happy home from turning into one big domestic office.