Archive for October, 2010



Alternative Uses For Shelving Units

Years ago it may have seemed a bookcase was the only use for shelves. There tended to be little choice of colour, finish and size, and therefore the room could have ended up being designed around the storage rather than the other way round.

Modern day storage solutions are a different kettle of fish (although not literally, unless you opt for modern art shelving). From circular to straight, matt black to wooden, and tall to wide, the options when choosing a shelving unit are endless. This means they have become much more versatile, and can now be used for many more things than just storing books.

In the home, shelves can be used to display ornaments, photos or even shoes and handbags if you happen to have a walk in wardrobe. They can be put up differently to create a design on the wall and if used creatively can actually become the centrepiece of a room. No longer an ugly necessity, they can now bring character and charm to your home.

Within a work environment, there are many different needs for storage. From keeping paperwork organised in the office to storing stock in a warehouse, there is always a need for extra space. Many units now also come in a heavy duty metal shelving finish meaning they withstand much bigger weights therefore increasing the amount that can be kept on them.

The internet has resulted in many more products being available across the entire spectrum, and storage solutions have definitely moved on. Whether it’s a decorative piece for your lounge or massive pieces for a warehouse, a shelf or two could make all the difference.



Why Racking is Beneficial to Businesses

However big your business is, there is always a need for storage. Whether it’s row upon row of racking for the warehouse, a shelf for the office or a locker for valuables, extra storage is invaluable in the workplace. Despite that, it is often not the first thing that springs to mind when opening a new store, and ill-thought decisions will leave businesses with the wrong type or not having enough storage for their needs.

Whether it’s stock or paperwork that needs organising, the right shelving and storage can help any business run smoothly. Stock needs to be easily accessible and storing it off the floor will lessen the chance of things getting damaged, protecting those valuable profits. Many companies choose metal racking as it tends to be more durable and is able to withstand heavier weights. Make sure the person who puts it together knows what they’re doing though as unless they are assembled correctly, you may well be loosing more than just profits if staff become injured.

Storing paperwork correctly is also very important, and shelving can be a great place to begin. Whether you want to file it alphabetically, or just want a simple storage solution for items that will be sorted later, keeping it all in the same place can save lots of time and stress when it comes to finding that receipt from three years ago.

So whatever your business sells, investing in the correct storage for your needs will help make it a great success, and nobody can afford to turn that down.



Update a Room Instantly

When planning the decoration of a room it is more than likely that the first things you consider will be the colour, the paint and the furnishings. Shelving is something that very rarely crosses the mind within the first stages of decoration. However, the right storage in a room can make it much easier to keep tidy and looking like new.

Shelves used in the correct way can also become a design statement as opposed to just a necessity. There are now many types of design out there, from traditional wood to curved edge glass – the options are endless. Whether you want to use them simply to create a bookcase or more creatively to show off pictures and ornaments, the right shelves can quite simply make a room.

Shelving units are also extremely useful for creating extra space, especially if you’re living in rented accommodation and therefore can’t go around knocking holes in the wall. Depending on the type of items you want to store, there are wooden units for more day to day domestic items, or for the garage there are more heavy duty metal units to suit your needs.

Despite not being the most exciting home furnishings, getting the right unit can create invaluable storage as well as completely changing the style of the room. Whether it is old fashioned wood styles, or a more modern day metal piece you’re looking for, they definitely shouldn’t be the last on the list when it comes to redecorating your home.