
All your Shelving Needs Are Here

If you are looking for shelving ideas for the home, then you are in the right place. It doesn’t matter which room you are thinking of fitting shelves in, there is something here for every location, including the garage and shed so it’s just a case of you deciding what you need, placing your order and that’s it, the shelving units will be dispatched to your address quickly and securely.

If you have a potting shed in the garden, why not think about replacing that old shelving with new units which will make your work much easier because you will be able to see clearly all the tools and other bits and pieces you need for the garden.

The same applies if you are running a business and you need to replace the shelves in your warehouse or retail outlet. There is a wide range of shelving solutions to suit just about every need, from heavy duty shelves and racks which are able to take the strain of heavy equipment which has to be stored, right down to lightweight shelves and racks on which you can store documents and books. Choosing the right units is important if you want the warehouse to run efficiently.

Your staff have to be able to easily access the items stored, so bear this in mind when you are making your choice. The key to an efficient warehouse is order, so if you start right at the beginning by installing easy to reach shelving and racking systems, you are heading in the right direction to making your business more efficient.



Kids Room Shelving Solutions

If you have children you’ll be well aware that their toys, books and comics can take over the house, especially when they have finished playing with them. How many times have you walked into the living room and seen the carpet hidden beneath what appears to be hundreds of toys and other playthings, and began the task of putting them away?

If you don’t have much space in the house this can present a problem, but thanks to some great shelving and racking and storage ideas you can make this much easier. On the other hand if you have a spare room available, then why not think about turning it into a playroom for the kids? This will be their own space, and with a bit of luck they will realise that they have to keep it tidy.

Fitting shelving and storage in the kids room will encourage them to play there, rather than taking over the whole house with their toys, and when you look at the great range of shelving and storage trunks available today there is sure to be something which will be perfect for your home.

Shelving of this type is absolutely essential if you are working from home as a child minder where you may have four or more children in your home every day. The children in your charge will need something to keep them busy during the eight hours or more they are with you, so you will have to make sure that you have the right shelving to accommodate all the toys, books and DVDs.



Storage Racks Keep your Garage Ordered

It’s that time of year when many of us decide we are going to give the garage a clear out. It’s a job we’ve been putting off for a long time, perhaps years, so the prospect of tidying it up is not a pleasant one. It’s a strange thing isn’t it, the way we use our garages in the UK.

We leave a car worth thousands of pounds on the driveway, and fill up the place where it is supposed to be parked with all those bits and pieces which we know we aren’t going to use again but are loathe to throw away. If this sounds familiar we can’t help you with the clearing up job, but when it comes to putting the place in order once you have got rid of the junk you don‘t need – allowing you to actually get in and out of the garage without tripping over boxes and electrical cables – then you are in the right place to find the best racking and storage solutions for the garage and other rooms in your home.

The type of storage racks and garage racking you will need will depend on what you have to be packed away. If you have a lot of gardening equipment and other heavy tools, then robust metal racking is the best choice.

On the other hand, if you are just looking to store boxes full of documents and other light materials, you may be able to use lighter storage racks made from a range of durable plastic materials. We stock a vast range of heavy duty shelves which could be ideal for this.



Conservatory racking

Conservatory shelving and racking has to fit quite a specific niche. Not only is it to be used in a fairly tough environment that may be warm and damp all year round, it also has to do a very particular job. An orchid has a very different set of needs to a stack of books or a box of old clothes. Keeping your plants on the right storage racks will help them grow and stay healthy.

Dealing with the first criteria to begin with, storage racks used in a warm, damp conservatory should be durable. Warm, slightly damp spaces are ideal for mould and mildew and both of these can be serious problems in a greenhouse or conservatory. Untreated chipboard and wooden racks should be avoided because they are vulnerable and may not last long. Either choose metal racks or sealed and painted solid wood. Chrome coated metal is an ideal, rustproof and easy to clean solution.

Storage racking for plants must also be strong enough to support your collection even when all the pots have just been watered. This can double the weight, so be generous when estimating the necessary strength of each shelf.

Open grill-style racking will allow water to drain though the pots and make sure any overspill doesn’t hang around in puddles like it would on a solid surface. It will also let more sunlight reach the plants on the middle shelves and provide better ventilation to reduce pest build up. Place materials like potting mix and compost bags on the lowest shelf, and make sure the racks are not top heavy so stability is maintained.



What your book shelves say about you

Book shelves have a lot to say, perhaps more so than any other piece of furniture in the home. The first thing most visitors do when left alone in a room with a book shelf is scan the titles for anything they’ve read too. A single book can establish common ground or a common interest and go a long way towards setting someone at their ease. On the other hand a solid wall of advanced physics textbooks can be intimidating and it’s easy to imagine what a row of cheap romance novels can do to a carefully built reputation.

Sometimes what book shelves say has nothing to do with the printed words they hold. There is a world of difference between the look and feel of a utilitarian metal shelves solution and polished walnut, and the gap between either of those and falling-down student-style shelves built from boards and breezeblocks is even greater.

Good, solid wood shelving and racking is used by people who value their books, whatever those books might be. They have an obvious respect for the printed word and a love of learning but a high quality chrome-coated metal shelving unit speaks of practicality and organization. It says the user has a modern outlook, and while they like reading as much as the next person, they’re still unpretentious and approachable.

Whatever style you choose, an organised and practical system will make you appear sharper and more ambitious. It’ll help reduce mess and clutter and tell visitors that you’re a focussed go-getter, someone who cares about being tidy and efficient.



The ideal gift for people with everything

We all know someone who is hard to buy for. It can be tricky to find the ideal birthday or Christmas gift for the person who has everything, but the problem this kind of person has is not a lack of a particular item, but how to organise and store all the gadgets they do have. When you have everything you could possibly need it can be quite hard to find the thing you actually want.

Shelves may sound boring but they don’t have to be. A good solution can be attractive as well as functional and it can make a huge difference not only to someone’s ability to find what they need quickly and without fuss, and to the look and feel of the room. There is nothing like a huge pile of cardboard boxes to make a space seem cramped and unattractive.

Storage doesn’t have to mean a plastic tub or plain book shelves. These days there are a huge range of innovative products designed to make the best use of any space, from a flat wall to a corner, underneath a staircase or on top of a wardrobe. Some are built along classic lines with varnished or raw wood, some are brightly coloured and made with chrome and plastic. Whatever your loved one’s style is, there will be shelving and racking to match.

For extra effect try and install the gift before giving it. It’s hard to make a flat-pack look impressive even with the biggest bow and brightest wrapping paper. The recipient may not be too excited straight away but they’ll soon realise that a good storage system was the best gift they could have hoped for.



Shelves for Any Room in the House

Many of us long for extra space in our homes. Storage is at a premium and without the right solutions in place there’s simply no hope for having a home that’s tidy and organised, and many people are reduced to having to get rid of items or put things in storage. But, with the right shelves this needn’t be necessary, and there are plenty of options for any room in the house to perfectly suit all needs.

For the living room there are a number of possibilities. Taller free-standing options can be a great way to store any number of books, pictures and keepsakes, and likewise smaller bookcases could be just as beneficial. Wall-mounted options with brackets are always popular, and those with invisible brackets are growing in popularity as a way to offer a sleek, minimal look. These are often seen in bedrooms as well, but for outside spaces something more heavy duty could be required.

Durable options, often made of steel or similar materials, are often seen in garages, sheds and workrooms. These forms of shelving racks are perfect for rooms of this nature thanks to their tough nature, ensuring longevity and that everything is properly secured. With tools and related equipment being incredibly heavy they’ll call for something a bit tougher, and that’s why heavy duty racks are often preferred.

As you can see, there really are shelves for any room in the house. You can get attractive and simple options for regular use as well as options that are purely practical, allowing you to get that valuable extra space without having to throw anything out.



Turn Your Garden Shed Into a Workroom or Home Office

There was once a time when the garden shed was used purely as a place to store the necessary pieces of garden equipment. Lawnmowers stood side by side with trowels, spades and weed killers, but often the space was never used to its advantage. Now, people have caught onto the idea of using the garden shed for anything from a studio to a home office, and with the right storage additions it’s perfectly possible to achieve.

All it takes is a few carefully-placed racking options for the full potential of the humble garden shed to be realised. Racks can be used to store anything necessary from books to tools, and with plenty of options there’s no end to the different types of rooms that can be created.

Heavy duty shelving options would be ideal for a potential workroom to store any heavy pieces of equipment whereas simpler and more appealing options would be perfect for a home office or studio – any look necessary can be created, and with the addition of the right desks, benches, chairs and furnishings you can create your own personal haven.

With the right equipment and a little know-how, anyone can turn their garden shed into anything their heart desires. The right racking can make all the difference by providing somewhere to store everything necessary, and with so many options you’ll be spoilt for choice. You’re bound to find just what you’re looking for to offer the storage space that you need, letting you turn your shed into a room that’s totally usable.



How Storage Racks Can Improve Your Home

There’s no denying that one of the biggest requests from home owners these days is more storage. We seem to have less and less space to put things, and that can result in a home that starts to look untidy, unkempt and in total chaos, often through no fault of our own. That’s why investing in the necessary storage and racking can be a great way to improve your home, giving you that valuable extra space that’s so desirable.

The right racking can be used to store anything and everything from books and keepsakes to files and accounts. They can make home offices tidier, living rooms cleaner and garages much more organised, even offering the option of entire new rooms being created. A garage can be turned into a workroom and a spare room that was once used for junk can be the next home office – all with a few storage racks to help keep things tidy and organised.

There are so many types to choose from that there really are racks to suit any purpose necessary. You’ll be able to find heavy duty shelving options for rooms that need durability, or more aesthetically pleasing versions for living rooms and bedrooms. Everything can be stored away neatly and efficiently while still offering easy access to things as and when required – the perfect solution for people that don’t like to throw things away.

So, anyone that wants to improve their home should definitely consider the addition of a storage rack or two. The right ones can provide valuable extra space for any room in the house, giving a home that’s calm, tidy and under control.



Take control of your life with extra shelving

Modern life can be chaotic and confusing. Not only are there many demands on your time, but your wallet is bound to come under pressure too.

And all the products you amass through your shopping endeavours need to be stored somewhere, along with your important documents and other such items.

Indeed, the amount of paperwork that you have to deal with may well be on the rise all the time, with insurance contracts, mortgage agreements, work documents and other such things now an unavoidable aspect of existence.

If you do not take control of your possessions, you might well end up feeling swamped by all of this. And being in this position is not desirable. Not only will it result in stress, but it may also have negative practical implications.

For example, if you fail to keep a proper record of your receipts, you may be unable to make an insurance or tax claim, while if you lose the DVDs, books and other things you buy, you will be wasting money unnecessarily.

Getting on top of the situation is easy. All you have to do is invest in appropriate home shelving and other forms of storage. By doing this, you will find it easy to keep order in your home and are less likely to mislay items.

And getting shelving and other types of storage has never been easier. If you do not fancy heading out to the shops, you can order it online, meaning there is no excuse for not taking the reins when it comes to your possessions.